To learn more about the Transcendental Meditation technique, watch a
free introductory talk online. The intro talk is also the first step in learning the TM technique.
Introductory lecture topics:
• Scientific studies on the TM technique's benefits for mind, body and relationships
• What is transcending?
• The difference between the TM technique and other meditation practices
• The latest scientific research on TM practice and brain functioning
• How the technique reduces stress and stress-related disorders
Below is some info about the TM course. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help you remove any obstacles to starting. Looking forward to speaking with you!
We hope you can learn soon!
All the best,
Tom and Jeanne Ball
c 828-380-0325
Steps for learning:
Step 1: Online Intro Sessions
Learn about:
*In-person free introductory talks and private classes are also given by personal appointment or to your business or organization. Please call 828-254-4350 for more information.

Asheville TM Center
• Scientific studies on the TM technique's benefits for mind, body and relationships
• What is transcending?
• The difference between the TM technique and other meditation practices
• The latest scientific research on TM practice and brain functioning
• How the technique reduces stress and stress-related disorders
• How the practice helps keep you young: research on health and
• The unified field, consciousness and world peace
• What is enlightenment?
• The unified field, consciousness and world peace
• What is enlightenment?
• Where the TM technique comes from and how it is learned
• Q & A — all questions answered
A message from the teachers:
We work with people seeking inner peace and higher well-being, as well as those seeking relief from anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, PTSD, insomnia, or addiction.
Our teaching process allows most of the course to be done remotely—you can come to the Asheville TM Center only once, for personal instruction. If you’d prefer all course sessions in person, we’re happy to oblige.
Our teaching process allows most of the course to be done remotely—you can come to the Asheville TM Center only once, for personal instruction. If you’d prefer all course sessions in person, we’re happy to oblige.
Below is some info about the TM course. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help you remove any obstacles to starting. Looking forward to speaking with you!
We hope you can learn soon!
All the best,
Tom and Jeanne Ball
c 828-380-0325
Steps for learning:
Step 1: Online Intro Sessions
Learn about:
• Independent scientific studies showing that TM produces a deeper state of relaxation, a broader range of benefits, and is more thoroughly researched than any other meditation practice
• How TM works
• How it's different from all other forms of meditation
View at your convenience:
1. Dr. Tony Nader: (14 min)
2. Women physicians on TM & women’s health (8 min):
3. Scientific Intro (16 min):
4. Bob Roth Intro (20 min):
The TM course consists of four 90-minute sessions, one each day over four consecutive days. The first session is personal, private instruction in person with your teacher—at the Asheville TM Center—followed every day for the next three days by:
• How TM works
• How it's different from all other forms of meditation
View at your convenience:
1. Dr. Tony Nader: (14 min)
2. Women physicians on TM & women’s health (8 min):
3. Scientific Intro (16 min):
4. Bob Roth Intro (20 min):
Step 2: Preparatory 20-minute Zoom or FaceTime video conference with the teacher (email, call or text to schedule your preparatory meeting, 828-254-4350)
Step 3: Schedule your TM course: (Click here anytime to view or select your course schedule, or you can request a date by email or schedule during your Zoom with the teacher. Personal instruction days are generally Fridays and Saturdays, but we’re flexible, just let us know what suits you.)
The TM course consists of four 90-minute sessions, one each day over four consecutive days. The first session is personal, private instruction in person with your teacher—at the Asheville TM Center—followed every day for the next three days by:
1. A 90-minute in-person class each day, or
2. A 90-minute virtual lesson each day (viewable any time of day at your convenience) and a 30-minute Zoom meeting with your teacher.
Satisfaction Guaranteed: If you’re not satisfied with TM after completing the course and 30 days of twice-daily practice, we’ll return your course fee in full.
Course fee: The sliding scale TM course fee, payable by installments, allows our non-profit foundation and local TM Center to be sustainable, helping us make the TM technique available to as many people as possible—especially to underserved, at-risk populations who cannot afford to pay (half the course fee goes to help someone in need learn through scholarships). For course fees, see below.
Follow-up: There’s free ongoing follow-up and support for the rest of your life—virtual and also in person at any TM center in the country or around the world.
Prerequisite: Abstinence from the use of any non-prescription drugs (marijuana, ecstasy, ayahuasca, etc.) for 15 days prior to learning.
2. A 90-minute virtual lesson each day (viewable any time of day at your convenience) and a 30-minute Zoom meeting with your teacher.
Satisfaction Guaranteed: If you’re not satisfied with TM after completing the course and 30 days of twice-daily practice, we’ll return your course fee in full.
Course fee: The sliding scale TM course fee, payable by installments, allows our non-profit foundation and local TM Center to be sustainable, helping us make the TM technique available to as many people as possible—especially to underserved, at-risk populations who cannot afford to pay (half the course fee goes to help someone in need learn through scholarships). For course fees, see below.
Follow-up: There’s free ongoing follow-up and support for the rest of your life—virtual and also in person at any TM center in the country or around the world.
Prerequisite: Abstinence from the use of any non-prescription drugs (marijuana, ecstasy, ayahuasca, etc.) for 15 days prior to learning.
*In-person free introductory talks and private classes are also given by personal appointment or to your business or organization. Please call 828-254-4350 for more information.
Asheville TM Center
165 East Chestnut Street
Asheville, NC 28801
(c) 828-380-0325
Asheville, NC 28801
(c) 828-380-0325
A non-profit, educational organization (501(c)3)
"No other 'stress management technique' has anywhere close to this amount of hard data in support of its claims to reduce stress. If TM were a new drug, conferring this many scientifically verified benefits, it would be the biggest-selling, multi-billion dollar drug on the market." —Norman Rosenthal, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown University Medical School
"Transcendental meditation is a simple, natural technique... This form of meditation allows your body to settle into a state of profound rest and relaxation and your mind to achieve a state of inner peace, without needing to use concentration or effort." —Mayo ClinicHousehold income Course fee or Four Monthly Payments
$200k + $980 $245
$100k - $199k $880 $220
$50k - $99k $780 $195
Less than $50k $540 $135
Full-time students $420 $105
Less than $29k Ask about financial aid/scholarships
MIU students Speak with us
Honor System:
We won’t ask you for evidence of your household income.
We’re a non-profit providing support for at-risk children, veterans with PTSD, and many others in need.
We rely on your integrity.
Thank you.
$200k + $980 $245
$100k - $199k $880 $220
$50k - $99k $780 $195
Less than $50k $540 $135
Full-time students $420 $105
Less than $29k Ask about financial aid/scholarships
MIU students Speak with us
Honor System:
We won’t ask you for evidence of your household income.
We’re a non-profit providing support for at-risk children, veterans with PTSD, and many others in need.
We rely on your integrity.
Thank you.