The founder of the TM program, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is regarded by many as a great teacher. But Maharishi did not play the role of "guru with followers." Rather, he offered a powerful knowledge and practice that helps anyone reduce stress and unfold their inner potential. The TM technique is a tool you can use and enjoy on your own — for the rest of your life.
The knowledge of how to use this tool — how the TM technique works and what it does — is not some teaching to be followed or believed in, but a set of simple, scientific principles that explain the process of transcending, principles verified through your own direct experience.
"I have no followers," Maharishi once remarked to a reporter who asked how many followers Maharishi had. "Everyone follows their own progress."
Who was Maharishi—what is his role in TM?
What if I'm not a "joiner?"