"Last summer, my husband surprised me when he announced that he decided to take himself and our two sons in for TM training! Since their TM course, I have noticed big differences in health and well-being among the three of them. Their new meditation experiences have renewed my own TM practice.
"As a professional violinist with my own private teaching studio, the calmness and re-energizing lift that I gain from TM enables me to experience music to the fullest with others. I find the discipline of practice on my instrument and the daily practice of TM compliment each other. The more I practice my scales and arpeggios, the more I am able to enjoy the music. And the disciplined practice of TM benefits me with anything that I do.
"During periods of high stress...I know there is a peaceful place inside me that I can take wherever I go and whatever I do. Twice a day I’m experientially reminded of who I really am and what I’m really doing here. Layer after layer, I’m learning that happiness and well-being do not come from without; rather, contentment comes from within and radiates outward.
"Often when I meditate I have the sense that I’m tangibly contributing to a more peaceful world, because after my meditations, peace is what I feel, look for, and what I naturally entrain with. I don’t mean life is perfect since I’ve been meditating - just more peaceful."
—Monique Pinelli, classical musician, teacher, mother, Asheville