Relief from within: TM for everyone
Apart from water, food, shelter, and other basics, another form of disaster relief is vitally important: relief from the residual stress, anxiety, and trauma.
To this end, during those crucial months after Hurricane Helene, the Asheville TM Center—in partnership with the David Lynch Foundation—offered Transcendental Meditation training at no cost to everyone in our area impacted by the disaster (including Upstate SC and East Tennessee).
Hundreds of people signed up to learn the TM technique during this time—and our relief effort continues. This offering was possible due to generous private donations within our local WNC meditating community (and the willingness of our certified TM instructors to volunteer their time).
The course fee was automatically waived for everyone who signed up before December 20, 2024.
Reviving Asheville
The effects have been not only to relieve stress and anxiety on an individual level, but also to uplift the collective consciousness and help with the renewal of our area.
Relief From Within continues
If you missed the cut-off date of December 20, 2024, and you live in the WNC, Upstate, or East Tennessee area, financial assistance may still be available as long as donations allow. If you need financial help for TM training, click here to apply for financial aid and join our wait list.
Step 1: Online Intro Sessions
2. A 90-minute virtual lesson each day (viewable any time of day at your convenience) and a 30-minute Zoom meeting with your teacher.
TM Course fee:
Follow-up: There’s free ongoing follow-up and support for the rest of your life—virtual and also in person at any TM center in the country or around the world.
Prerequisite: Abstinence from the use of any non-prescription psychotropic drugs (marijuana, ecstasy, ayahuasca, etc.) for 15 days prior to learning.
Group Meditations
Everyone who has learned the TM technique is welcome to join our weekly Group Meditations at the TM Center. As the scientific research shows, when you're practicing the technique, you're meditating not only for yourself, you're benefiting all those around you, and studies show that these extended effects are even stronger when people meditate together in a group.
Asheville TM Center
Asheville, NC 28801
(c) 828-380-0325
"No other 'stress management technique' has anywhere close to this amount of hard data in support of its claims to reduce stress. If TM were a new drug, conferring this many scientifically verified benefits, it would be the biggest-selling, multi-billion dollar drug on the market." —Norman Rosenthal, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown University Medical School
"Transcendental meditation is a simple, natural technique... This form of meditation allows your body to settle into a state of profound rest and relaxation and your mind to achieve a state of inner peace, without needing to use concentration or effort." —Mayo Clinic