Watch at your convenience.
Learn about:
• How TM works
• How it's different from other forms of meditation
• Scientific verification of the benefits
Scientific Intro: 
John Hagelin, quantum physicist (16 min.)

Bob Roth Intro (20 min):
Optional • Women physicians on TM and women's health:

Step 2: Introductory/Preparatory 30-minute Zoom meeting with the teacher
Tuesdays 12 Noon
Wednesdays 7:30 PM*
Click here to register for a Zoom prep
These Zoom meetings will include other course participants, but will also provide the opportunity to chat one-on-one in private with the teacher if you feel the need.
Step 3: Schedule your TM course
After your Intro Prep Zoom, you'll receive a calendar link to schedule your course.
You can also go to and book your TM course at any time, but you'll still need to attend the Intro Prep before learning.

The TM course consists of four 90-minute sessions, one each day over four consecutive days. The first session is always personal, private instruction, in person with your teacher at the Asheville TM Center—followed every day for the next three days by: 

1. A 90-minute in-person class each day (all in-person course)
2. A 90-minute virtual lesson each day (view any time of day at your convenience) and a 30-minute Zoom meeting with your teacher (we call this the hybrid course—in-person, private instruction plus virtual classes).

Follow-up: There’s free ongoing follow-up, support, refresher classes, and advanced guidance for the rest of your life—virtual and also in person at any TM center in the country or around the world. 

TM App: Everyone who learns TM has free access to the TM App, a wonderful resource to support your practice and notify you of TM-related events locally and nationally.

Group Meditations: Everyone who has learned the TM technique is welcome to join our weekly Group Meditations at the TM Center. As the scientific research shows, when you're practicing the technique, you're meditating not only for yourself, you're benefiting all those around you, and studies show that these extended effects are even stronger when people meditate together in a group.


Course fees: Please see course fees below.  


Financial aid available for military veterans, front-line health workers, first responders, women survivors of domestic violence, and those in our area impacted by Hurricane Helene. Click here to fill out scholarship application.

Prerequisite: Abstinence from the use of all non-prescription psychotropic drugs (marijuana, ecstasy, ayahuasca, etc.) for 15 days prior to learning.



What is Transcendental Meditation?


TM is a simple, natural, effortless technique practiced 20 minutes twice a day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It’s not a religion, philosophy or lifestyle.


What happens when you meditate?


Transcendental Meditation allows the active thinking mind to settle inward to experience a naturally calm, peaceful level of awareness. During TM, the body enjoys a profoundly rejuvenating rest, while the brain functions with significantly greater coherence.

How does Transcendental Meditation differ from other meditation techniques?


Brain research has identified three basic approaches to meditation:

  • Focused attention (concentrating on a thought or object)
  • Open monitoring (observing breath, thoughts, or the environment)
  • Automatic self-transcending (spontaneously experiencing quieter levels of thought — a unique state of restful alertness)

The Transcendental Meditation technique involves no focused attention nor open monitoring. It is a process of automatic self-transcending, allowing the practitioner to experience a field of calm deep within.


Once you've learned the TM technique, you can take advantage of the lifetime of follow-up and continuing guidance available to every meditator at no charge. Apart from personal "tune ups" of meditation, we offer weekly knowledge meetings in the warm and peaceful atmosphere of the TM Center, where you can join us every Sunday for knowledge meetings and group meditations.


Honor System:

We won’t ask you for evidence of your household income.

We’re a non-profit providing support for at-risk children, veterans with PTSD, and many others in need.

We rely on your integrity.

Thank you.


Asheville TM Center
165 East Chestnut Street
Asheville, NC 28801

A non-profit, educational organization (501(c)3)

"No other 'stress management technique' has anywhere close to this amount of hard data in support of its claims to reduce stress. If TM were a new drug, conferring this many scientifically verified benefits, it would be the biggest-selling, multi-billion dollar drug on the market." —Norman Rosenthal, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown University Medical School

"Transcendental meditation is a simple, natural technique... This form of meditation allows your body to settle into a state of profound rest and relaxation and your mind to achieve a state of inner peace, without needing to use concentration or effort." —Mayo Clinic

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